Resilience up 20% since 2013

A Tasmanian group of schools have been working collaboratively to build a resilient community, one of these schools Youngtown Primary School shares their successful journey.



Youngtown Primary School, Launceston, Tasmania


Resilient Youth has been working in partnership with the Connect 6 group of schools in Launceston, Tasmania since 2013. Youngtown Primary School used the Resilience Survey data as an evidence base to benchmark and intentionally address resilience and wellbeing within their student and school community over the last four years. Differences in resilience indicators across certain year levels and genders were identified and addressed through a comprehensive and multi-faced approach.


The results speak for themselves - this example really shows that when schools use the Resilience Survey data to focus their intention how fantastic things can happen.  Youngtown has had a huge 20% shift upwards in their overall resilience measures, with a 21% improvement in empowerment levels and 18% increases in the total number of students feeling valued and appreciated by others. School belonging and educational engagement have shown marked improvements as has the number of students reporting they are helping to make their community a better place.