
Schools play a vital role in unlocking the potential of today’s youth, assisting in building the resilient behaviours students need to flourish as human beings.


Resilient Youth has experience working with school communities all over Australia. From inner city schools to those in regional areas, our understanding of today’s youth is deep and far-reaching.

We work with primary schools and high schools in various capacities, offering a range of programs and workshops designed to build Resilient Learners while enhancing the wellbeing of young people and improving the culture within schools.

If you’re a school committed to delivering the best personal and academic outcomes for your students, now and into the future, the best starting point is the Resilience Survey. This powerful, scientifically robust tool, collects, collates and analyses the self-reported strengths of your young people in terms of their strengths, hopefulness, the incidence of anxiety and depression, and the relationship of these to key risk and protective behaviours.

Learn more about the Resilience Survey here.

Find out about our workshops and programs here.


Want more detail?  

Over 850,000+ young people in over 3,250+ schools and community organisations have completed the Resilience Survey, making it the largest and most comprehensive resilience dataset in Australia.

The in depth yet easy-to-understand insights you will get into the thoughts and feelings of the young people at your school and can assist in transforming how you approach your school’s culture, policies and strategies.

We also offer a comprehensive statistical analysis service to provide even more insight if you want to go even deeper. 

If you're ready to build resilience in your school, contact us to get started.