What is resilience

Resilience is to feel Connected, Protected and Respected. At Resilient Youth, we call this the CPR of Wellbeing.


Since 2013 our Resilience Survey has been used by more than 2,400 schools and 600,000 young people, aged 8-18, across every state and territory in Australia. Our student voice dataset has established a definitive evidence-base. That’s how we came to identify CPR as 3 key components of resilience in young people.

This new concept of resilience is reflected in the diagram below:

Our school and year level reports show student resilience across each of ‘Connected Protected Respected’, and each of CPR have a further 3 reporting domains, as described in the graphic below:

Resilience enables people to thrive and take on all that life has to offer, including the inevitable challenges. Resilience is about knowing strengths and calling on them when needed. By building resilience in young people, we are empowering them to be able to learn from their mistakes and to understand that failing is okay - it's an integral part of the learning journey.

CPR is the cornerstone of a safe, supportive and healthy school community, and understanding these concepts and working with them leads to improved learning and life outcomes for all young people.

We encourage you to join us in taking a data-based approach to measuring and building resilience, working closely with young people, teachers and parents in your school community.